Quick start

Follow this guide to create tokenization links.

1. Create a Tokenization Link

Call our Links endpoint from your servers. For example:

curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://api.link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/v1/links' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'pci-proxy-api-key: {{pciProxyApiKey}}' \
  --data '{
	"reference": "234923490",
	"successUrl": "https://example.org/success",
	"webhookEndpoint": "https://example.org/webhook",
        "collectCardholderName": true,
	"context": {
		"Test Card": "true",
		"First Name": "Jon",
		"Last Name": "Doe"
curl --request POST \
  --url 'https://api.link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/v1/links' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'pci-proxy-api-key: {{pciProxyApiKey}}' \
  --data '{
	"reference": "234923490",
	"successUrl": "https://example.org/success",
	"webhookEndpoint": "https://example.com/webhook",
        "collectCardholderName": true,
	"context": {
		"Test Card": "true",
		"First Name": "Jon",
		"Last Name": "Doe"
	"amount": 1000,
	"currency": "EUR",
	"VIS": {
		"3D": {
			"acquirer": {
				"acquirerBin": "33333333",
				"acquirerMerchantId": "33333333"
			"merchant": {
				"mcc": "4722",
				"merchantName": "Example Travel Ltd."
	"ECA": {
		"3D": {
			"acquirer": {
				"acquirerBin": "22222222",
				"acquirerMerchantId": "22222222"
			"merchant": {
				"mcc": "4722",
				"merchantName": "Example Travel Ltd."
	"AMX": {
		"3D": {
			"acquirer": {
				"acquirerBin": "1111111",
				"acquirerMerchantId": "1111111"
			"merchant": {
				"mcc": "4722",
				"merchantName": "Example Travel Ltd."

You will get a response with the ID of the link and the link itself:

	"id": "{{linkId}}",
	"link": "https://link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/{{linkId}}"

3D Secure support

Our Tokenization Links support 3D Secure Authentication out of the box. Note that to process 3D Authentications, you need to submit the amount, currency and at least one card brand (VIS, ECA or AMX for Visa, Mastercard and American Express, respectively).

To apply 3D Secure make sure your account is configured for 3D Authentications. Check the 3D Secure Enrolment Requirements for more information or contact us to set this up for you.


A Tokenization Link can only be consumed once.

However, it does not expire if it has not been used.

2. Share a Tokenization Link

Share the link which you received in the response of your API call. The link redirects to a Tokenization page, hosted by PCI Proxy, where card details can be entered.

3. Obtain tokenized payment data

To obtain tokenised card data, 3D authentication values, cardholder name or to simply keep track and check the state of a Tokenisation Link call the Status endpoint with the link id.

You can also listen to the webhookEndpoint url when submitted in the initial request to obtain the tokenized payment data.

curl -L -X GET 'https://api.link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/v1/links/{{id}}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'pci-proxy-api-key: {{pciProxyApiKey}}'
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reference": "234923490",
    "link": "https://link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/5BmpU57d3sqCKg5hJufoyi",
    "paymentMethod": "VIS",
    "card": {
        "alias": "7LHXscqwAAEAAAGPKesi_tWGUNEBAP8E",
        "fingerprint": "F-dV5V8dE0SZLoTurWbq2HZp",
        "masked": "424242xxxxxx4242",
        "expiryMonth": "06",
        "expiryYear": "25",
        "info": {
            "brand": "VISA CREDIT",
            "type": "credit",
            "usage": "consumer",
            "country": "GB",
            "issuer": "DATATRANS"
        "cardholderName": "James Bond"
    "history": []
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "reference": "234923490",
    "link": "https://link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/qu1HGtAkMQ1zMFGT6edfH7",
    "paymentMethod": "VIS",
    "card": {
        "alias": "7LHXscqwAAEAAAGPKsRsfxMAieWSAE5k",
        "fingerprint": "F-f7r5MosJH64VWRpn8kj4le",
        "masked": "490000xxxxxx0003",
        "aliasCVV": "qKP4-InnSDKQW2a74j7eAR_J",
        "expiryMonth": "06",
        "expiryYear": "25",
        "info": {
            "brand": "VISA",
            "type": "credit",
            "usage": "consumer",
            "country": "US",
            "issuer": "DATATRANS"
        "3D": {
            "eci": "05",
            "xid": "0801de5b-86fa-4892-8ca8-18f6c8c523dd",
            "threeDSTransactionId": "1cb56548-f4bc-4af9-a278-dcc94e04271c",
            "cavv": "B5gQAnKGAQAAAL+adWETdAAAAAA=",
            "threeDSVersion": "2.2.0",
            "directoryResponse": "Y",
            "authenticationResponse": "Y"
        "cardholderName": "James Bond"
    "history": [],
    "currency": "EUR",
    "detail": {
        "authorize": {
            "amount": 1000

Delete a Tokenization Link

Call the DELETE endpoint to permanently delete a Tokenization Link.

curl -L -X DELETE 'https://api.link.sandbox.pci-proxy.com/v1/links/{{id}}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'pci-proxy-api-key: {{pciProxyApiKey}}'
    "status": "DELETED"