Callback functions let you configure the form logic.
The secureFields.on(...)
callback functions let you subscribe to one or more of the events as described below.
on ready
The ready
event will be emitted once the iframes are loaded.
secureFields.on("ready", function() {
// setting a placholder for the cardNumber field
secureFields.setPlaceholder("cardNumber", "Card number");
// setting a placeholder for the CVV field
secureFields.setPlaceholder("cvv", "CVV");
on validate
The validate
event will be emitted once the form is submitted with secureFields.submit()
secureFields.on("validate", function(event) {
// put a red border around the fields if they are not valid
secureFields.setStyle("cardNumber.invalid", "border: 1px solid #f00");
secureFields.setStyle("cvv.invalid", "border: 1px solid #f00");
where theevent
callback object has the following structure:
"fields": {
"cardNumber": {
"length": 0,
"valid": false
"cvv": {
"length": 3,
"valid": true
"hasErrors": true
"hasErrors": true
indicates that one of the has "valid": false
on change
The change
event will be emitted whenever one of the following events is triggered:
For example,
secureFields.on("change", function(event) {
// your code
on cardInfo
The cardInfo
event will be emitted when secureFields.getCardInfo()
is called. It is available only before secureFields.submit()
secureFields.on("cardInfo", function(event) {
// e.g. call backend
has the following structure
"event": "cardInfo",
"data": {
"cardInfo": {
"brand": "VISA CREDIT",
"type": "credit",
"usage": "consumer",
"country": "GB",
"issuer": "DATATRANS"
"maskedCard": "424242xxxxxx4242",
"paymentMethod": "VIS"
Calling secureFields.getCardInfo(callback)
is an alternative way to obtain information about the entered card by having the given callback function receive it rather than waiting for an event.
on success
The success
event will be emitted if the tokenization was successful.
secureFields.on("success", function(data) {
if (data.transactionId) {
// send data.transactionId and the
// rest of the form to your server
where the event
callback object has the following structure:
"result": "success",
"transactionId": "180403204621339015",
"cardInfo": {
"brand": "VISA DEBIT",
"issuer": "Some Bank",
"type": "debit", // debit or credit
"usage": "unknown", // consumer, corporate or unknown
"country": "US" // 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
on error
Errors can happen in several scenarios, for example:
- incorrect
configured insecureFields.initTokenize(...);
- incorrect name of the card number or CVV fields
- incorrect
configuration on our end.
These scenarios can be caught with
secureFields.on("error", function(data) {
// what to do when an error occurred
Possible error objects:
{"event":"error","data":"Invalid merchantId"}
{"event":"error","data":"Invalid merchant setup. Server-to-server security must be enabled"}
{"event":"error","data":"Invalid field"}
{"event":"error","data":"Field " + fieldName + " not allowed for alias version " + aliasFormat"}
// example: {"event":"error","data":"Field myFieldName not allowed for alias version V20"}
{"event":"error","data":"Field " + fieldName + " not allowed for mode " + mode"}
// example: {"event":"error","data":"Field myFieldName not allowed for mode TOKENIZE"}
{"event":"cardInfo","data":{"result":"error","error":"The cardNumber is not yet valid"}}
{"event":"cardInfo","data":{"result":"error","error":"error"}} //jQuery.ajax() error if the Internet connection is down
Updated 9 months ago